
Pierre & Le Loup

A few tables by the water await, offering ultra-fresh marine delights.


Les Halles by Biltoki

After 20 years of dormancy, Les Halles finally came back to life on Friday, September ...


If you love oysters, prawns, whelks, and other sea wonders, discover here the real pearls of our guide to restaurants in Var! Here, you will find a selection of our favorite places to savor fresh and delicious seafood, along the magnificent Var coast. From Six-Fours to Sanary-sur-Mer, passing through Bandol, we have explored the most gourmet seaside resorts for you. If you were looking for the best seafood restaurant in your town, this is where you’ll find it.

The story always starts the same way: we enter, we order, we savor… and we fall in love. Each restaurant presented here has won us over with its refined cuisine and a selection of products of exceptional quality. We have returned again and again, and never have we been disappointed.

But don’t worry, shellfish and crustacean lovers, we have taken all the risks for you! Indeed, if eating seafood can sometimes be a dangerous game, with our selection, there will be no bad surprises. One could almost say that we risked our stomach for the sake of your taste buds. But let’s be honest, it was a pleasure with every bite.

Looking for the best seafood restaurant?

So, if you are looking for the best seafood restaurant in Var, you are in the right place. Prepare to salivate over gargantuan seafood platters, fragrant bouillabaisse, as fresh as can be oysters… And all this, in often idyllic settings, overlooking the sea.
While browsing our articles, you will discover places where the sea puts on a show on your plate. And because we have eaten there many times, we can guarantee that each restaurant recommended here is really worth the detour.

In summary, you will find a selection of restaurants that pay tribute to the delights of the sea. With us, food poisoning is just a distant mirage. Enjoy discovering and most importantly, bon appétit!

Soutenez Passe à Table

Vous avez bien mangé ? Ravi de l'entendre ! Chez Passe à Table, nous dépendons de la générosité de gourmands comme vous pour continuer à vous servir les meilleures adresses du Var. Pas de publicité, pas de partenariat avec les restaurants — juste des recommandations honnêtes et savoureuses. Si vous avez aimé, pourquoi ne pas nous offrir un petit geste de soutien ? Chaque don compte.

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