Le Barocco


Recently opened near the Bonnegrace beach in Six Fours, Barocco boasts numerous charms. I’ve dined here several times since its inception, aiming to provide a thorough review and to confirm its rank among the best restaurants around.

Italian Cuisine & Rooftop Cocktails

Perched almost at the edge of crystalline waters, Barocco celebrates the flavors of Italian cuisine. Its modern design exudes a cozy ambiance. Key attractions? A breathtaking rooftop, a shaded welcoming terrace, and an expansive wine cellar showcased from the ground floor.

And the view from the rooftop? A panoramic vista of the sea, highlighted by mesmerizing sunsets. Yet, Barocco isn’t just about open spaces. Inside, a bar on every floor ensures you can savor your favorite wine without any descent.

My Experience

Whether it’s a friendly dinner, romantic evening, or a casual drink, Barocco fits the bill. The warmth of wood-fired pizzas, the tantalizing taste of a balanced cocktail, or the refined sip from a Cassis wine bottle… Each visit dives deep into Italian traditions.

I’ve relished their dishes in all seasons, be it on the rooftop or the terrace, always marveling at their culinary consistency. Their pizzas, authentically Italian, never disappoint. Every bite is a flavorful journey from southern France to Italy’s heart.

While the welcome could sometimes be warmer, the culinary delights more than make up for it. From starters to desserts, every meal was a treat. Barocco has rightly earned its spot among my favorite Italian eateries.

Useful Information

to find this place :

36 Sq. des Bains, 83140 Six-Fours-les-Plages

04 94 07 61 58

6PM – 1AM daily

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